Z10 and z11 derive from the old D59 course. Past exam papers are available.
I'm a member of the Networked Multimedia Research Group, and lots of details on papers projects and software can be found there. Meanwhile, ones I run include:
I'm a professor in the Department of Computer Science University College London, and am careers liason and publications officer. I'm into multi-media Communications. i've been working in the area for 18 years, but i graduated in Physics from Trinity College, Cambridge University in 1979. i got an MSc in Computing in 1981, and PhD in 1993 both from UCL. (before that i even went to school once). i'm a member of the ACM, ;a member the British Computer Society, a fellow of the IEE and the royal academy of engineering and a Senior Member the IEEE. i'm also on the editorial team for Computer Networks, Transactions on Networking , IEEE Networks , Monet , and Cluster I am involved in cabernet for UCL, and two COST actions for the UK, 264 on Group Communication which has a NGC 2000 Workshop in autumn and 263 on Quality of Future Internet Services, as well as Cabernet., which has a workshop in late summer 2000 A lot of papers are on our ftp server. while some of jons papers and talks are gettable more directly, though this is lamentably out of date. i'm currently on the Internet Architecture Board i'm on the PC for SIGCOMM 2000, Infocom 2000, and gave a tutorial on internet qos evolution there, as well as another tutorial on the evolution of qos at SBRC 2000, Networks 2000, ICNP 2000, Packet Video 2000, RTAS 2000, IWQoS 2000
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